2025 National EFNEP Coordinators' Conference
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:40am - 10:40am EST
As families with limited financial resources face rising food costs and limited food preparation time, frozen foods may serve as a cost-effective and convenient way to ensure adequate household diet quality. Preliminary research has concluded that families of all income levels, including those who utilize SNAP, shop for frozen products, including frozen fruits and vegetables. To inform how nutrition education programs like EFNEP and SNAP-Ed could better promote frozen foods with minimal fat, added sugar, and sodium in program delivery, a cross-sectional survey was implemented from November 2023-September 2024 to gauge how EFNEP/SNAP-Ed participants currently perceive and utilize frozen foods. A sponsored research opportunity from the Frozen Food Foundation funded this research. Participants from 14 states (n=421) completed the survey; preliminary analyses are described hereafter (n=309). The participant demographics were comparable to other studies of EFNEP participants: the majority of the sample was female; the three most common reported races and ethnicities were White, Hispanic/Latino, and Black/African American, respectively; and over 40% earned less than $15,000 annually. Sixty-three percent of participants reported that their households consumed frozen foods at least weekly. Almost three-quarters rated being able to purchase frozen foods with SNAP as moderately, very, or extremely important. Forty-six percent reported that they would purchase more frozen fruits and vegetables if they were available at convenience stores; 64% would purchase more frozen fruits and vegetables if they had more freezer space. Full study results, with implications for EFNEP programming, will be discussed by the researchers at this session.
avatar for Eunice A Bonsi

Eunice A Bonsi

Program Leader, Foods & Nutrition, Tuskegee University
I am the Director of the Tuskegee University Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), State Foods and Nutrition Extension Program Leader in Cooperative Extension, and a Research Professor at the Department of Foods and Nutritional Sciences, in the College of Agriculture... Read More →
avatar for Geb Bastian, Ph.D., RDN, LN

Geb Bastian, Ph.D., RDN, LN

Assistant Professor/Extension Nutrition and Health Specialist, South Dakota State University
***Note that my Rutgers email is no longer in use (I can't seem to update that section). My SDSU email is graham.bastian@sdstate.eduThis year I am representing South Dakota State University EFNEP as our coordinator is out on leave. Come talk to me about the Rev It Up! 9-12 curriculum... Read More →
avatar for Annie Roe

Annie Roe

Extension Specialist, University of Idaho
Annie Roe joined the University of Idaho faculty as the Director of Eat Smart Idaho (EFNEP and SNAP-Ed programming) in March of 2016. Annie has a Ph.D. in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition with a specialization in Nutritional Cognitive Neuroscience from Tufts University in Boston... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:40am - 10:40am EST
Washington B

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